A Night in The Bluffs

Last night I went out to Bluffwoods Conservation Area south of town.  I have been there several times, but this was the first time I had gotten to camp there.  I arrived later than I had hoped I would, probably about 7ish.  I got to trompse around a little and talk to some turkey hunting tent neighbors, but the mosquitos forced me inside my car fairly quickly. I did manage to snap a few photos, some rocks, the sun setting through the trees, and my favorite, a dead sapling covered in mushrooms.

I did make one discovery as a result of the mosquitos though.  I had carried incense with me because I assumed it would stop the place from getting stale if I burned it every so often, and it was basically understood to me to be a luxury item.  Apparently though, lighting some incense will get rid of all but ONE STUBBORN MOSQUITO.  (that bug proceeded to drive me crazy into the night)

For the rest of the night I played around with some watercolors, definitely the easiest art supply to haul around.  Some of the pieces I made (like the blue face) were just goofy warmups, I think my favorite out of these pieces is the brown lady.  The yellow and green one is a motif I’ve played with a lot and my boyfriend would really like me to play with more.

So next morning!!!  Get up early and bright, with the sun, snap a few selfies, and get out into the wood to hike and take pictures!  Went on two trails I’ve never been on, the second one was so incredible.  The problem?  mosquitos again!  I swear they just followed me like a fog.  Consider when you look at any of the upcoming pictures that I was actively fighting off 3 mosquitos at any given time, or if I was desperate to get the picture I would suck it up and let them bite me while I took it.  No kidding, they were that thick.  It seems like I never have enough reasons to love my poncho, but I love it because it keeps mosquitos off really well.

Yeah, those trees with the white flowers?  I am going to call them soft-focus trees from now on.  Its so hard to focus, and you can’t even tell when you have!


But I saved my absolute favorite picture for last.  I managed to catch the sun at just the correct angle to make two of them.IMG_20170506_083229

Will post more upon next excursion!

One thought on “A Night in The Bluffs

  1. I love Bluffwoods! I love to go hiking off the beaten path and get myself lost. Finding a clearing at the top of a bluff and then lay down under the sky.
    It’s equally breathtaking at night to gaze off into the cosmos.


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